by Allen L. Poucher, Jr | Jun 14, 2018 | Blog
Every June 15th, multi-national organizations, institutions, communities and individuals across the globe gather to observe World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. The initiative began in 2006 by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the World Health Organization at the United Nations. The international effort aims to raise awareness and greatly reduce the abuse of vulnerable aging people around the world. It’s estimated that...
by Allen L. Poucher, Jr | May 11, 2018 | Blog
Elder exploitation and scams continue to be perpetrated against Florida seniors. Unfortunately, Older Americans are seen by scammers to be easy targets. “Older Americans” is the term assigned to the generation of Americans over the age of sixty years. As a generation, this age group is thought to be, by these criminals, more trusting of methods of communication, less technologically savvy and unaware of the current exploitation scams. It...
by Allen L. Poucher, Jr | Apr 11, 2018 | Blog
When your loved one has recently taken on the responsibility as a caregiver, you may feel guilty that you are not doing your part to help. Although the caregiving may be taken care of, you can still help out the caregiver. The key to successful caregiving is to make sure the caregiver is provided for and has the support he or she needs each week. Let us share a few ideas you can use to reduce the caregiver’s stress and help him or her avoid...
by Allen L. Poucher, Jr | Jun 8, 2016 | Blog
As our parents get older, taking on the role of parent instead of child to our parents has the real potential to become a reality. The aging of our parents is a hard subject to talk about, and an even easier one to avoid. The best thing to do, though, is to discuss the future that your parents want ahead of time and ensure that everyone is prepared for the road ahead. Time goes by quickly, the last thing you want is to be emotionally and...
by Allen L. Poucher, Jr | May 8, 2016 | Blog
Do you have a Florida durable power of attorney? You may have been told you need to make this estate planning decision as soon as possible, but may not understand why. It is important for you to understand what your power of attorney can do for you and the responsibilities of the agent you choose to act on your behalf. When it comes to choosing your agent for your power of attorney, there are many important questions to ask. This is a detailed...
by Allen L. Poucher, Jr | Apr 8, 2016 | Blog
As we age, health care becomes a topic of increasing importance. Who will make our decisions when we cannot, who will pay our bills, who has the authority to get information on our behalf… these are just a few of the decisions we need to make while we have the capacity to do so. While healthcare is a very hot topic now, it was also a very hot topic in the 90’s when Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was created. The...