2022 Medicare Open Enrollment Tips for Florida Seniors

2022 Medicare Open Enrollment Tips for Florida Seniors

Are you a Florida senior currently on Medicare? Did you know that Medicare’s Annual Open Enrollment Period begins on October 15th? Remember, every year Medicare health and drug plans make changes. These changes range from out of pocket costs and network coverage to providers and pharmacies within their networks, so there is much for a Florida senior to review.  It is wise for all Florida seniors to revisit their health plans at least annually...
In the Future How Will You Pay for Long-Term Care?

In the Future How Will You Pay for Long-Term Care?

Have you considered a future that might include the need for long-term care? Furthermore, how would you pay for long-term care if you needed it? Have you thought about the reality that in the future you may not be able to live on your own, in your own home, without mobility and cognitive challenges? In fact, it is not a reality that many of us want to face or plan for. In fact, with less than half of all Americans today even completing their...
4 Thought Provoking Questions to Ask Your Aging Parents

4 Thought Provoking Questions to Ask Your Aging Parents

Have you noticed that your parents are beginning to look older? Do they still live in their own home, buy their own groceries and drive themselves to appointments? Have you had any conversations with them about their future? For example, do they have an estate plan, if they became incapacitated where would they want to live or who is in charge of their affairs if they were incapacitated? We know that talking with your aging parents about estate...
Caring for a Loved One With Dementia? Four Tips You Can Use

Caring for a Loved One With Dementia? Four Tips You Can Use

Did you know that it is very important for your loved one to create an estate plan now that he or she has been diagnosed with dementia? Meeting now, while your loved one still has capacity for making decisions, is crucial to estate planning. Take a minute to visit our website, this Thursday, to learn more about the importance of estate planning if your loved one has dementia. Do you care for a loved one in your home? Has your loved one just...
Three Common Mistakes Made When Trying To Avoid Probate

Three Common Mistakes Made When Trying To Avoid Probate

Are you a private person? Do you hope to keep your estate private when you pass away? How can you do that? Have you recently created your last will and testament, but unsure whether your estate may still have to be probated?  First, having a last will and testament in place is excellent. Unfortunately, the fact that you have a will does not, by itself, allow your estate to avoid probate. Here are three common mistakes that are made when...