Key Provisions to Look for in Your Existing Power of Attorney

Key Provisions to Look for in Your Existing Power of Attorney

In the realm of legal and financial matters, having a solid Florida estate plan in place is paramount. A crucial component of any comprehensive estate plan is a durable power of attorney. This vital document bestows the legal authority upon a trusted agent to make important decisions on behalf of the principal, especially in circumstances when they are unable to act or are absent.  Whether it is granting the power to take action on real...
Florida Long Term Care Considerations When You Are Facing Cancer Complications

Florida Long Term Care Considerations When You Are Facing Cancer Complications

There is nothing more devastating for a family than to learn a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, especially an aging parent. When you learn the news, so many questions rush through your head: How much time do we have? What do we need to do? Is there a cure in sight? What health care needs will they have now? What can I do to help? Do they need a second opinion? These are just the start of the list of questions you need answers to that...
Common Issues That Can Happen When Using a Florida Power of Attorney

Common Issues That Can Happen When Using a Florida Power of Attorney

Do you have an estate plan right now? How old is it? When did you last review it? Your estate plan is an important tool that can help you protect not only yourself but your loved ones, your business, and plan forward to create the legacy that you want to leave at the end of your life. When you work with an estate planning attorney, however, your attorney is going to discuss with you not only the planning for the end of your life but also the...
Common Issues That Can Happen When Using a Florida Power of Attorney

3 Reasons Why Your Retirement Accounts Should Not Go To Probate

Did you know that when you begin to create your Florida estate plan, the first step is to think about what you own and who should inherit it at the time of your passing? Now we know that most of us do not want to focus on the need for Florida estate planning, but it is critical to ensure that our goals for our legacy can be reached. From your spouse and your children to your business and the causes you care about, your Florida estate plan can...
How Do You Know If You Should Be Considering Moving Into an Assisted Living Facility?

How Do You Know If You Should Be Considering Moving Into an Assisted Living Facility?

Are you a Florida senior who may have reached the point where it may no longer be safe or appropriate to live at home without assistance? In fact, are you wondering if you should be thinking about moving into an assisted living facility? What exactly is an assisted living facility and what might it do for you? To begin, an assisted living facility is a residential setting. Assisted living should not be confused with a skilled nursing home which...
Ideas for Starting Difficult Conversations with Your Aging Parents About Medical Care

Ideas for Starting Difficult Conversations with Your Aging Parents About Medical Care

Are you researching ideas for starting the difficult conversations with your aging parents about their medical care? Do they still live in their own home by themselves, have good health, stay active and visit with their family? Are you aware of your parents giving any thought to a time when they may not be able to make decisions for themselves because of either an accident or illness or the need for skilled nursing care? Having these...