by Allen L. Poucher, Jr | Sep 30, 2019 | Blog
More than 10,000 Baby Boomers turn 65 years old every day. It is an astonishing statistic that underscores the importance of planning for one’s future, and beyond. We know just how important Florida estate planning is for you and your family. This is just one of the reasons why this October, as we celebrate National Estate Planning Awareness Week with the National Association of Estate Planners, we want to share seven facts every Baby Boomer...
by Allen L. Poucher, Jr | Sep 23, 2019 | Blog
Falls are devastating for older adults and, unfortunately, they are fairly common. In fact, one in four adults age 65 or older will likely fall this year, with elderly seniors making up the lion’s share. Of those affected, several million will be treated in hospital emergency rooms, where hundreds of thousands will be admitted for serious injuries, like fractured hips and concussions, and thousands more will die. The long-term consequences are...
by Allen L. Poucher, Jr | Sep 2, 2019 | Blog
It is never easy to think about a time when you or your parents may not be able to live independently anymore. Unfortunately, however, as we age, there may come a time when we need to consider living outside the home to obtain the long-term care assistance we need. Planning forward for a potential need for long-term care, although difficult to think about, is critical to ensure that you and your family have a plan in place before a crisis...
by Allen L. Poucher, Jr | Aug 26, 2019 | Blog
Preparing for the future can be daunting, particularly when it comes to the safety and protection of your loved ones. Unfortunately, unexpected circumstances can, and frequently do, arise. Your loved one’s diagnosis of a chronic condition, for example, may be an unanticipated life event that you find yourself unprepared for. One of the most effective ways to plan for your loved one’s future care is to be proactive and plan ahead. To help ease...
by Allen L. Poucher, Jr | Aug 5, 2019 | Blog
Do you know what a medical alert system is? Medical alert systems are for anyone who is at risk of falling or having a serious medical emergency. While this includes individuals of all ages, unfortunately, senior adults are more susceptible to falls, accidents, and health emergencies than other groups. Thus, medical alert systems are effective safety devices for older loved ones. With the press of a button, a wearable accessory, such as a...
by Allen L. Poucher, Jr | Jul 29, 2019 | Blog
The grandparent-grandchild relationship is a special bond that often leads to wonderful lifetime memories. Grandparents experience the joy of imparting wisdom and care to a young family member, while grandchildren soak up the attention. As summertime presents more opportunities for interaction, however, grandparents should take steps to protect their minor grandchildren from risks. Perhaps the most important item to ensure a grandchild’s safety...