by Allen L. Poucher, Jr | Nov 17, 2020 | Blog
What is one of the first questions people ask, when the time comes to execute a will or trust? How do I choose an estate planning attorney near me? Attorneys abound and there are multiple options to locate an attorney, but perhaps the most important way to answer this question is to first consider what it is you are seeking to accomplish. Are you a single person about to head out on an adventure that would like the reassurance you have a will...
by Allen L. Poucher, Jr | Nov 10, 2020 | Blog
Family caregiving has become somewhat of a tradition in our country. Did you know that the AARP estimates that over 40 million Americans have stepped into the “family caregiver” role and are providing care for an aging, ill, or disabled family member? For a whole host of reasons, however, family caregiving is not always the right option. A family member may not be willing or able to provide the necessary care due to the emotional...
by Allen L. Poucher, Jr | Oct 21, 2020 | Blog
Did you know that Medicare open enrollment is upon us? With Medicare open enrollment time, there may be important things seniors need to keep in mind. Here are three things seniors should know: You must have enrolled in Medicare when you were first eligible to participate in open enrollment. This means that you (1) were automatically enrolled in Medicare because you were already receiving Social Security or Railroad Retirement benefits and you...
by Allen L. Poucher, Jr | Oct 13, 2020 | Blog
Many parents use 529 savings plans as a way to let their child’s college funds grow tax-free. Did you know, however, that 529 plans are not just for parents and children? They are also not limited to use for tuition. Parents, grandparents, and other adults with children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews can use a 529 savings plan not only to fund college tuition, but to ensure that a myriad of other expenses are covered for their loved ones,...
by Allen L. Poucher, Jr | Sep 23, 2020 | Blog
Are you caring for an aging or ailing parent? If so, your own self-care may be the last thing on your “to-do” list as you prioritize making sure your parent is cared for and protected. During “Self-Care Awareness Month,” take some time to make sure that you prioritize your own self-care. Taking time to better yourself can enable you to be the best caregiver you can possibly be for your parent. Let us take a look at three “self-care” tips...